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Diary Entry - 09/03/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-03-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting with author Suzanne Massie to discuss Russia.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss relations with Egypt.

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At the office at 9 A.M.—meeting with Don R. & Geo. B.—Somehow this seems like the longest time we’ve ever been away (it was by only a few days). It’s a little strange getting back into harness.

The N.S.C. meeting was taken up with a meeting with Suzanne Massie who is on her way back to Russia. She’s doing a book on the Russian peoples effort to restore things of the old pre-Lenin Russia. She’s well acquainted there among a wide range of Russians from Artists, Intellectuals, to the man in the street. She’s very informative & is going to come by again before my meeting with Gorbachev.

Had a frustrating meeting with N.S.P.G. on our relationship with Egypt. Pres. Moubarak believes Quadhavi of Libya is a threat to all the N. African countries & mainly Egypt. We’ve been meeting with the Pres. on how we can assist him if Egypt is attacked. Do we go all out & join in a war & would our people support such a move? There is no doubt Egypt & the Suez canal are very important to our security. Still it’s a complex problem. For now we’ll keep on studying contingency plans with Pres. Moubarak.

A full Cabinet meeting for an update by Max F. on the legislative agenda, Joe Wright on the budget & George S. on international relations. There is no question but my veto pen is going to be needed in the coming months. The budget resolution passed by Cong. claims about $17 bil. in savings that just aren’t there. Some desk work & a haircut & home to my 1st gym workout in more than 7 weeks.

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