Diary Entry - 08/22/1986

Key Facts
The President and First Lady prepare for the birthday party in honor of the First Lady the following evening.
President Reagan enjoys a horseback ride with Earl Jorgensen and William Wilson.
It was Madrone thinning again in the A.M. Caterers were here putting up a tent for tomorrows delayed Birthday party for Nancy given by the Wilsons & Jorgensens. After lunch they (the Ws. & Js.) arrived. Bill & Earl & I went for a ride. There was some late afternoon paper work a decision memo I haven’t signed yet. Cap W. is concerned that if I pursue an interim reduction of the Intermediate range missiles without an agreement to total elimination at a time certain we’ll never get our zero zero goal. On the other hand others—John P. etc. think I should go ahead & take our chances on zero. Frankly Cap has a point. I’ll confess I’ve been talking (in my letter to Gorbachev) of an interim agreement. In my fuzzy way I guess I was seeing it as a 2 step agreement not 1 agreement & then try for another.