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Diary Entry - 08/16/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets to discuss candidates for the position of Ambassador of the U.S. to he Republic of South Africa.

  • President Reagan flies into Rancho del Cielo.

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A stop at the Drs., they dropped some kind of acid on 2 tiny spots on my face that they thought could possibly become the kind of Basal Cell Carcinoma I had on my nose. No big deal—I have a couple of pink spots (tiny) and that's it.

Then it was Marine 1—A.F.1 and Calif. here I come. I got to the ranch ahead of Nancy & had time to get in blue jeans & meet her when she helicoptered in. The ranch is beautiful as always and Dennis & Barney have already picked out a couple of Oak trees—nearly dead that we can spend a few afternoons on.

At Point Mugu Capt. & Mrs. Hickerson were among the greeters. She (Carol) was one of the original founders of what is now the Families of Vietnam war P.O.W.s & M.I.A.s. When I was Governor, Carol’s husband was missing in action. She came to see me with Tod—her 3 yr. old son. I still remember his tugging at my coat & saying “Please help bring my Daddy home.” Tod will graduate from Annapolis in 1988.

Capt. Hickerson was a P.O.W. for 5 yrs. When he came home he brought the word that Carols husband had been killed. Now he is Carols husband & father to Tod who loves him as if he were his real father.

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