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Diary Entry - 08/14/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks with Elinor G. Constable, Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs.

  • President Reagan meets with a group of Bolivian Cabinet Ministers.

  • Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto is arrested.

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An N.S.P.G. meeting on our continued attitude toward Quadaffy. He’s got some problems & I’m pleased to say a lot of his people are unhappy with him. He’s been pretty quiet but if he let’s go with another terrorist act we’re ready to respond immediately. Geo. B. & I had a pleasant lunch on the patio. Then it was a meeting with Cong. Man Boulter of Texas. He had 2 oilmen with him. We discussed the problems of the industry as a result of the price collapse. We could find ourselves so dependent on O.P.E.C. oil that it would be a Nat. Security problem.

Geo. Shultz came in for a meeting. I think he’s changed his mind about retiring. I’m happy to say.

A short meeting with some Bolivian Cabinet Ministers. They are determined to clean house on drugs & since 50% of our supply comes from their country we’re glad to work with them.

A personnel time with Bob Tuttle and then a series of photos with departing staff members, the W.H. Fellows, a couple of reporters, Secret Svc. departures and others.

Up to change into slacks for the BBQ. All of the Congress & their familys—1st time their children have ever been invited to an affair in the W.H. It was a fun night & everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I made a decision—next year there will be no printed programs. I think I autographed every d--n one.

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