Diary Entry - 08/11/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a Signing Ceremony for the Drought Assistance Bill.
President Reagan is interviewed by Hugh Sidey of Time Magazine.
The U.S. Senate confirms Dick Thornburgh to succeed Edwin Meese III as Attorney General.
Got word the Ziemans arrive in Boston tomorrow. This is the Russian family who have been “refusniks” in Soviet U. for a long time.
The Democrats in Sen. are still holding up a lot of our appointees—especially judges. My appointment of Laura Cavazos is a smash on the hill.
Rcvd. ec. news. Auto sales have jumped up in July. We’ll be getting some Ambassadors cleared now. Jesse Helms was blocking them—now he’s re-lented.
Heard a story of Jim Wright throwing a tantrum in front of annual “Gym Dinner” when Bush tried to say hello to him.
Looks like we may get U.S.-Canada free trade bill 1st week in September.
N.S.C.—George S. got in at 6 A.M. this morning from his Central Am. trip U.S. will contribute to U.N. Peace keeping force in Middle East.
Frank Carlucci has decided to retire our SR 71’s. These are fast (1800 miles an hour) high flying spy planes. Operation costs $350 mil. a year. Now our space satellites are doing the job. Frank is working with Hill to improve D.O.D. appropriation bill.
10:30 A.M. into Rose Garden for Drought Bill signing ceremony. The family I met in Duquoin Ill. was present. I gave them some framed photos of my visit to their farm. Then a briefing for interview with Hugh Sidey. Interview went well. In Saturday talk show he is always the most fair when some of the media hatchets are slashing at me. He told me he sees the media as definitely biased—pro Dem.
Bob Tuttle with some appointees for me to approve. Then a photo with top officials of “Greater Wash. Board of Trade.” They made me an honorary member. Then Lunch with Nancy, Barbara Bush & George in study off Oval O. It was very pleasant. After lunch Ed Meese came by—this is his last day as Attorney Gen. Then it was George S’s. turn. He reported on his trip & discussed our ongoing relations with the Soviet U.
A fruitful meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff. They reported to me their views on “START Treaty” complete with facts & figures on nuclear weapons—both sides. They are in total support of the treaty.
Later some departure photos—& one (no departure) 34 members of stewards team—all Navy Petty officers. Then a photo with one of my speechwriters & his brother—Robertson—he’s enrolling at Stanford. Then upstairs.
A call from Ken D. just before dinner—Sen. confirmed Thornburgh—85 to 0. I’ll swear him in tomorrow. Dinner, ran a tape of Larry King interviewing Kirk Douglas who has written a book. Then to bed.