Diary Entry - 08/10/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Palsson of Iceland.
President Reagan participates in a Signing Ceremony for the Japanese - American Internment Compensation Bill.
Everybody is overruling me on the Iran-Contra insert I wanted to put in the Convention speech. They may be right that it would take away from the rest of the speech & be the only thing the media would latch on to.
Claude Pepper & Hatfield have been promoting our F.D.R. memorial for a long time. They have come up with an idea that seems to have caught on—cost $5 mil. Ed Meese has announced tomorrow will be his last day. Sen. Judiciary Com. has passed Thornburgh & he’ll probably be voted in this week. House passed U.S.-Canada free trade bill but there is a question as to whether Sen. will get to it before this recess or in Sept.
N.S.C.—Dole & Byrd each have Contra aid bills. Byrd has offered his if Dole will let his be defeated. It’s lousy politics but even Dole says Byrds is better than nothing.
Colin showed me a tentative schedule for my being at U.N. in September. 2 days. Seems O.K.
Sen. Helms is off again—this time a letter charging that Gen. La Joie stood by while Major Neilson bled to death after being shot by Soviets. Colin took Jesse on but good. Gen. La Joie is a fine officer & did no such thing.
Then a briefing for our visitors appearance—P.M. of Iceland Palsson. His visit is 1st by a P.M. of Iceland.
He arrived at 11:30—usual format—1 on 1 briefly & for press in Oval O. then the plenary in Cabinet room & over to lunch in W.H. They were good meetings. Our 2 countries have a fine relationship. Departure statements in East Room & farewells at front entrance. S. Lawn is torn up for sodding.
Then over to E.O.B. for signing ceremony—audience the Japanese American Society. Bill 442 (named for Jap. combat team in W.W.II.—our Army) providing funds for Jap. Am’s. who were confined in camps during W.W.II. Ken K. came by for final discussion on Convention speech. We’re ready to go.
Finally a photo with a Nat. park official whose life work has been with the park service. He’s now departing. He & his wife & 12 children plus 8 spouses for a family photo.
Upstairs—Nancy is entertaining the Iceland P.M.’s wife in the yellow room.
Exercise, dinner & not so early to bed. We watched on T.V. the “In Performance At The W.H.” that was staged last Sat. night. It was by far the best of those.