Diary Entry - 08/06/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with a group of Senators who are leaving on a trip to the Soviet Union.
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the pending release of the American hostages in Lebanon.
Baseball went on strike—they are nuts.
Staff & N.S.C. meetings—I’m back to going to work at 9 A.M. now. Rumors have it that 5 of our 7 hostages are going to be released. We have no confirmation whatsoever.
Cap W. & Gen. Vessey came over for a slide presentation & a new plan for responding to an attack. There are 4 different responses for different levels of attack. Sen. Byrd came in—he’s taking a bi-partisan group of Sen’s. to Moscow & anticipates a meeting with Gorbachev. I gave him a letter to the Chairman & we discussed topics he could take up.
After lunch I had a brief but satisfying meeting with the exec. board of the Knights of Columbus. They are solid in their support.
Geo. S. came & we planned a group to start working on the Nov. meeting with Gorbachev. He’s agreed to using Mike Deaver as a back door messenger when I need to get something directly to Gorbachev. A haircut & home.