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Diary Entry - 08/05/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 08-05-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting to discuss the needed drought aid.

  • President Reagan attends a farewell reception for Attorney General Ed Meese.

  • Treasury Secretary James A. Baker III announces he resign to run the George Bush presidential campaign, Nicholas F. Brady is nominated to take his place.

View the President's Schedule
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Drought aid bill cleaned up in Conference—the $5 & $6 Bil. Xmas tree was brought down to $3.9 Bil.—That I can sign.

Contra Aid—the Dems. are putting up a big fight. I’m hopeful that we can still carry this off.

We have a pckg. of 5 appointees for Fed. Regulatory Commission. They’re held up in the Sen. But finally we’ve gotten 2 of them & we’ll hope for the others.

N.S.C.—We’ve learned that over the years the Soviets have used the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia for spying. This is very hush, hush— [. . .]

We’re anticipating an announcement on Angola. Chet Crocker has really been working & it looks like a possible agreement with Cuba et al by Sept. & a withdrawal of Cuban forces in Nov.

Panama was holding an American woman, wife of an Air Force Officer. Unknowingly she had driven into a zone where a demonstration was supposed to take place. Now she has been freed.

Dick Lyng came by at 11 A.M. to give my latest on Drought aid. Then some departure photos. & Finally lunch. After lunch Jim Kuhn brought his family in for a photo. Dick Wirthlin came in with latest figures on Pol. race. It appears that Dukakis has a big lead on George but much of it was direct result of the Dem. Convention.

Then the Gordon Freeman family came by to present 2 Boehm Bird sculptures—Swans for the Presidential Library.

The Meeses came by with one of their daughters & there was a farewell party in the Roosevelt Rm. He will leave on Tues. or Wed.

Then it was over to Dr. Hutton who had a couple of specialists in to look at my lip—suspicion of possible Carcinoma. They decided it had gotten better since last look so things are going right. Upstairs to work on Convention Speech. Then back to Oval O. to meet Jim Baker & Nick Brady. Today is day to announce Jims resignation & Nick as replacement. We went into the press room at 4:30. I made the announcement, then Jim said a few words followed by Nick & the show was over.

At 7 P.M., Nancy & I went down on the S. Lawn where an enormous stage had been built. A great crowd of performers were on hand for rehearsal for “In Performance at the W.H.” This will be our last. The show will be taped tomorrow night at 9 P.M. Nancy & I rehearsed our bit & then went up to dinner & an early to bed.

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