Diary Entry - 08/04/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks with Mrs. Jeanette Singelman, personal friend of the Reagan's from Lompoc, CA.
President Reagan learns that Justice Bork is scoring very high with personal visits to individual Senators' offices.
Spent our time in talking about who will replace Mac B. Then a Bipartisan approach to Central Am.—a diplomatic solution while we continue to fund the Contras. A false story in Wash. Times about our policy on Covert programs. I asked for someone to bring this to Arnaud De Borchgrave’s attention. Then it was our problem with Dem. Leadership & the debt limit also Catastrophic health insurance. Our Repubs. got 190 votes on a substitute which means we could count on a veto standing up if Dem. version is passed. Then it was Welfare Reform—again there are 2 bills—one bad & one possible and a costly Housing bill.
Then the Repub. leadership (both houses) came in for a meeting in which we discussed all those issues.
Then desk time & lunch. An N.S.P.G. meeting re the Panama situation. Noriega head of Nat. Guard is a bad egg but right now has support of the people. At 3 P.M. a meeting with Cap W. George S., Colin & Howard. Cap is upset about Nicaragua peace plan we want with Dem. help. There was some merit in several of Caps criticisms. I proposed we do an annex explaining my interpretation of the questionable terms in the compromise. At 4 P.M. Bill Webster briefed me on Contras progress inside Nicaragua—14,000 of them. Then my session with biographer Edmund Morris.
Over to Dr. Hutton—dressing removed—upstairs a quick shower & back down to dr’s. office—where 3 of the dr’s. who were in on the operation had gathered for an inspection. They took 8 of the stitches out. Upstairs for the evening. Oh I forgot—in the Cong. leadership meeting the Sen’s. said Bork is scoring very high with personal visits to individual Sen’s.