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Diary Entry - 08/03/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives a report from the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice entitled: "High Road to Economic Justice."

  • The Iran-Contra congressional hearings end.

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Some talk about Cong. & the debt ceiling extension. Little chance of getting the longer one before they leave Fri. because they are still trying to hang amendments on it.

N.S.C.—Trying to pin down whether the Konshiba [Kongsberg/Toshiba] company provided additional technology to the Soviets. Our navy ships escorted a Kuwait tanker out of the gulf & as of this morning they had made it through the Hormuz Straits. [. . .]

Before those meetings I stopped in and Dr. Hutton put a new dressing on my nose.

At 11:30 A.M. I went over to E.O.B. & addressed Project Ec. Justice group including Bill Mittendorfs task force & Ambas’s. from Latin America & the Caribbean nations. Back to an issues briefing lunch. After lunch a meeting with Howard, Colin, Ken & Geo. S. George had a plan on seeking Pc. in Nicaragua which I approve. We think maybe Cong. would too so we’re going to see if Jim Wright will claim it as theirs & I’ll approve it.

A lot of desk time. Then Ed Meese came by re my answer the other day on no evidence of law breaking in Iran-Contra Affair. He had guessed right—I was thinking only of us—the admin. He says there is evidence of possible legal problems with some individuals who did things I wasn’t aware of. Then a meeting with Cap W.—subject the Def. Bud. problems with Cong. Over to the Dr. & another new dressing. First I showered & then went back down.

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