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Diary Entry - 08/03/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 08-03-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan discusses upcoming legislation, compensation for interred Japanese during World War II, and AIDS discrimination.

  • President Reagan attends a luncheon for Citizens For America.

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Made it public I was vetoing the Defense Authorization bill. On this Saturdays radiocast I’ll talk about the veto & why. More legislation discussed—the compensation for the Japanese interred in W.W.II.—AIDS discrimination—O.K. for Fed. employees but having Justice Dept. look into legalitys of applying it to Pvt. sector. Then faced with leaks of report on Iran plane shoot down. Press asking questions—but neither military high command or my office have received the report as yet.

N.S.C.—Took up that same matter re the shoot down. Then desk time until I signed the veto message on the Defense authorization—it (the bill) was 100’s of pages long. I went into the press room and reported on veto & why.

Then in Cabinet room briefed about 30 media & press exec’s. from all over the country on Central America.

After some more desk time—went over to State Dining room for luncheon with Citizens For America. A good time was had by all. Back to office for a time then up to Solarium where I sat for about an hour while a sculptor working in wax tidied up bust of me someone has commissioned to be given to Presidential Library. Also on hand was the sculptor who will use the wax as a guide while he does it in Carara Marble. Then upstairs—exercises & some book sorting for Eureka College Library.

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