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Diary Entry - 08/02/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 08-02-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan presents the Distinguished Rank Awards.

  • President Reagan attends a reception for the Brady Foundation.

View the President's Schedule
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Decided I’d let the Plant Closing bill become law without my signature. Marlin made a press announcement this morning. Then a summary of outstanding bills & whether we should push some to be acted on before the Aug. recess & which should be left for later. Actually the situation is up in the air.

N.S.C.—There is consideration as to whether we & the U.S.S.R. should destroy our chemical weapons. We’re considering approaching them on a proposal that we do it & each side watch the other one do it.

We’re making progress on F-18 sale to Kuwait. It’s up to the Sen. now.

A short meeting in Roosevelt Rm. with 4 Repub. Cong. leaders. Bob Michel absent but Dick Cheney took his place. We were all pretty much agreed on Defense Authorization Bill—(I should veto) and the plant closer.

Desk time in study—Oval O. being set up for some T.V. spots.

Then over to E.O.B. to present 59 awards—The Distinguished Rank awards for contributions made by employees.

Back to a lunch with Suzanne Massie (just back from Russia). Nancy, Colin & Ken D. on hand. It was a strange one. We expected her usual insider type of information but instead it was almost like a travelogue. She did say the Russians have a real feeling of friendship for Nancy & me.

Then I went into Oval O. & did T.V. footage for 16 of our cand’s.—14 for Sen. & 2 for Gov. That over Nancy joined me in Roosevelt Rm. for reception for Jim & Sarah Brady & the Brady Foundation donors.

A photo with Lynn Martins husband—a judge I’d appointed. Her married name is now Leinenweber & she has a step son. Photos with 5 of our departing Ambas’s. on their way to their new posts. A Secret Service departure, a sneeze shot & upstairs to exercise.

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