Diary Entry - 08/02/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir.
President Reagan attends the National Corn Growers Association Conference.
Met with F. Minister of Israel—Shamir. I was rather severe regarding Israels continued shelling & Bombing of W. Beirut and in effect delivered an ultimatum. Another cease fire is in effect & things look better. Then off to Des Moines where it was 95°. Addressed 12,000 of the Nat. Corn growers Assn. Very well received. Helicoptered out to a Hog farm—the Dee family. It was a great afternoon—homemade ice cream & lemonade. Saw their operation & then did Q&A with about 35 of their friends. Back to Des M. for a meeting with execs. of the Farm Bureau—friendly but are going to oppose the tax bill. Then met with Agri. council of State Repub. party. All in all a good day.