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Diary Entry - 07/28/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-28-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the survivors of the WWII escort carrier USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73).

  • President Reagan spends the day meeting with Members of Congress to discuss tomorrow's vote on the tax bill.

  • Canada's dollar plunges to a value of 81.5 U.S. cents, a forty-eight-year low.

View the President's Schedule
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The morning after—W.H. received more calls than on any other appearance they ran better than 6 to 1 in favor of our tax bill. The schedule however was unbelievable. Throughout the entire day I was meeting with Cong’men. singly & in groups soliciting support. All of them told the same story—their phones in their districts & in the Cap were ringing off the wall. Tomorrow is the day & it’s too close to call but there is no doubt the people are with us. Met with Prince Bandar (Saudi Arabia). The last time I saw him he was learning to be a jet fighter pilot in Alabama. Met also with Jeanne Kirkpatrick. She says the U.N. is a worse can of worms than even she had anticipated. We’ve agreed the U.S. has got to get tough and maybe walk out a few times. Met with veterans of the only Carrier of ours sunk in W.W. II. They want a ship named after her. I’ve taken it up with Cap. Dinner at the J. Bakers—a very pleasant time—our own gang, the Laxalts, Bushes, Haigs, Cap, Nancy Reynolds, Nofzigers etc.

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