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Diary Entry - 07/26/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-26-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss South Africa and Apartheid.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

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Staff meetings here in W.H. & then an N.S.C. meeting in the old treaty room. Subject S. Africa. We’ve quietly influenced the S.A.G. to a number of changes benefiting Blacks. Now our Congress yielding to demonstrations etc. is debating legislation to impose sanctions on S.A. Govt. We’re opposed. It isn’t a solution to the problem of apartheid & it will hurt the very Blacks we’re trying to help. I think we’re all agreed on continuing & even stepping up our present program but resisting the other. We’re off to Camp David. From there I’ll call Margaret Thatcher at George Bushes house. Sorry we cant get together while she’s here.

DIARY HAS PHOTOS OF A SMALL CHILD WITH CUTE COMMENTS MIMICKING THE PRES. (“Pic’s. after my operation sent by this cuties mother.)

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