Diary Entry - 07/26/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan signs a proclamation designating July 26th 1983 as FBI Day in honor of their 75th anniversary.
President Reagan is presented with a Special Agent Badge, designating him as an Honorary Special Agent of the FBI in honor of their 75th anniversary.
Former Pres. of France Giscard D’estang came by. We had a good visit. He is solidly behind us on the I.N.F. deployment. Was most interested in our Ec. recovery & thinks it bodes well for Europe. Then over to F.B.I. bldg. to speak to a great crowd of emp’s & sign a proclamation marking this as F.B.I. day on the 75th anniversary of their founding. I was made an honorary special agent. Back at the White House for lunch with about 125 of our backers, movers & shakers in the 1980 campaign. Did some Q&A. A legal meeting on matter of loans to Ed Meese & Mike Deaver. It seems their accountant arranged the loans & later on we appointed him to the Postal board. Once again the “small minds” are tearing at their betters. These 2 came to govt. at great sacrifice to themselves. They are paying 18% interest on these loans & there is no connection between their accountant arranging the loans & then accepting an appt. to govt. service himself. Spent rest of afternoon woodshedding for the press conf. It came off alright but their questions were such iffy inconsequential things that it was like trying to get your teeth into whipped cream. I think it was a dull half hour.