Diary Entry - 07/25/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, now Chairman of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America.
President Reagan meets with Vice President Bush, Secretary of State George Shultz, Chief of Staff James Baker, and Counselor Edwin Meese.
Met with Henry Kissinger, now chairman of our commission on Central Am. We are agreed their purpose is to come up with a long range plan for Central Am. A quick photo with Chief of S.S. uniform division Lt. Walzel & his very nice family & then over to Family dining room for lunch with Bob Michel (minority leader of House) & Sen. majority leader Howard Baker plus my own top staff people. It was a work session about the legislative agenda. Rose garden ceremony to present Nat. Wildlife awards to 2 men from govt. of Costa Rica. A momentous meeting in the Oval office with George Shultz, Bill Clark, V.P., Ed Meese & Jim Baker. The press has been dishing up stories all describing a situation in which Bill C. & George S. are battling for supremacy. It is totally false but George thought he might be so tarnished that he was a liability to me. I told him he had my confidence & that it would be a disaster for all of us if he left. I think the meeting was a great plus and that we go forward from here conscious of what press is trying to do & all determined to refute their crusade. A 2 hr. rehearsal in Family theatre for tomorrow nites press conference. Nancy has asked the Shultz’s & the Regans for dinner Wed. night.