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Diary Entry - 07/25/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, now Chairman of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America.

  • President Reagan meets with Vice President Bush, Secretary of State George Shultz, Chief of Staff James Baker, and Counselor Edwin Meese.

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Met with Henry Kissinger, now chairman of our commission on Central Am. We are agreed their purpose is to come up with a long range plan for Central Am. A quick photo with Chief of S.S. uniform division Lt. Walzel & his very nice family & then over to Family dining room for lunch with Bob Michel (minority leader of House) & Sen. majority leader Howard Baker plus my own top staff people. It was a work session about the legislative agenda. Rose garden ceremony to present Nat. Wildlife awards to 2 men from govt. of Costa Rica. A momentous meeting in the Oval office with George Shultz, Bill Clark, V.P., Ed Meese & Jim Baker. The press has been dishing up stories all describing a situation in which Bill C. & George S. are battling for supremacy. It is totally false but George thought he might be so tarnished that he was a liability to me. I told him he had my confidence & that it would be a disaster for all of us if he left. I think the meeting was a great plus and that we go forward from here conscious of what press is trying to do & all determined to refute their crusade. A 2 hr. rehearsal in Family theatre for tomorrow nites press conference. Nancy has asked the Shultz’s & the Regans for dinner Wed. night.

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