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Diary Entry - 07/24/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-24-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA).

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Manuel Frago head of Spains opposition party came by. I wish his party was in power as against the Socialists. Did some more taping for the convention film. Then a lengthy meeting with our Cong. leadership—they expect trouble on our Central Am. policies & on foreign aid in general, also on the defense bud. Sen. Baker brought a friend by for a photo. The friend was presenting me with some sculpture but which by way of me will be in the Cherokee nat. park museum in Tenn. Toby mugs (Eng.) have made a limited edition of a mug of me. It—no. 1 was presented to me & no. 2 to Jim Brady. Proceeds will go to the Jim Brady foundation. A string of photos with several Congressmen then a reception for the Future Farmers of Am. More practice for the press conference—then at 8 P.M. the conf. It went well and I got in some licks about the Dem. convention demagoguery—read that—falsehoods.

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