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Diary Entry - 07/23/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-23-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets delegates to the American Legion "Boys Nation."

  • The President and First Lady host a private dinner with Vice President and Mrs. Bush.

View the President's Schedule
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Pres. Duarte—El Salvador came by on his way home from Europe. I really believe he’s going to solve some of the problems down there & he certainly can help us with Congress & getting appropriations passed for assistance to Central Am. This week it was “Boys Nation” in the Rose Garden. I was overwhelmed by their unabashed patriotism & love for country. These are high school kids and so unlike an earlier generation. I’ve had a lump in my throat all day. Lunch was interesting—7 columnists, Geo. Will, Jack Kilpatrick, Hugh Sidey, Ted White, Nick Thimesch, Ben Waltenberg & Morton Kondracke. It was off the record & we really had a good discussion. Mrs. Stephen Bollinger came by with her 3 little girls. She is pregnant and a lovely, sweet person. A short time ago her husband (one of our appointees) Steve, died suddenly at age 36. A lengthy taping session then a practice for tomorrow nites press conf. Went upstairs for a meeting with Don Regan. We are threatened by a collapse of Continental bank & a giant Savings & Loan in Calif. Then Bud brought Cap, George S. & Gen. Vessey in re the answer to the Soviets demand for a meeting on ASAT. We’re holding out for talks also on reducing nuclear weapons. Tonite Geo. B. & Barbara for dinner. A nice evening.

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