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Diary Entry - 07/24/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-24-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prime Minister of New Zealand Robert Muldoon.

  • President Reagan meets with a group of Congressmen who advocate the reauthorization of the Legal Services Corporation.

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Up to the Hill to meet with the whole group of 191 Repub. Reps. The subject was taxes and I’m convinced they are with us. There was enthusiasm demonstrated in several ovations. Back to meet P.M. Muldoon of N.Z. It was a good meeting and I dont think anything can shake his friendship for us—for that matter the friendship between our 2 countries. Met with Congressmen who want the “Legal Assistance program” continued. We have proposed reducing it. We dont object indeed we support legal aid for people too poor to hire a lawyer when they need one, but we object to the way it has become a lobby for all sorts of causes—class action suits etc. which are the lawyers idea not that of a client. Went to Smithsonian to see the “Catlin” exhibition. He was an early painter of the American Indian. Al Haig has brought me a case of our Ambassador who is undercutting him (Al) both with the govt. of the country in which he serves and indeed our foreign policy itself. In this case I believe Al is right. I’m going to have to have a nose to nose with Dick Allen (who picked the guy) and back Al. Tonite a dinner for about 24 people & then to see “Victory” Sylvester Stallones new pic. He & his wife were here. The pic. is good & will be good for people to see. It has a flag waving finish.

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