Diary Entry - 07/23/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan bids farewell to the First Lady who departs for London, England to attend the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer.
President Reagan speaks with Secretary of State Alexander Haig of the potential for a cease fire between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
Saw “Mommie” off for London & the Royal Wedding. I worry when she’s out of sight 6 minutes. How am I going to hold out for 6 days. The lights just dont seem as warm & bright without her. Went to the Oval office for the morning brief but my mind wasn’t on it. Met in the State Dining Room with St. Legislators, Mayors & Co. officials from a dozen states re the tax bill. Had lunch with Mac McKenzie (my old college coach) his son & daughter-in-law. It was a warm bath in nostalgia. Then my former St. Architect from Calif., Fred Hummel & his wife Sue (my first Sec. in Sac.) came in with their 3 little girls—triplets—as pretty a sight as you could see. Had a meeting with Repub. members of the “Ways & Means Comm.” Ironed out some last details on our tax bill. Then met with 4 Dem. leaders of the “Boll Weevils.” Things are beginning to roll. We’ll know what’s going to happen in a few days. Al Haig called & said we may have a “cease fire” tomorrow between Israel & the P.L.O. Watched the “Waltons” on T.V. and so to bed.