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Diary Entry - 07/22/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives word that Beirut is under bombardment by the Syrians.

  • The Soviet Union frees six members of the Greenpeace U.S.A. environmental group who were seized July 18 after they landed at a Soviet whaling station in Siberia.

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Dr. Dodge (Pres. of Am. U. in Beirut) kidnapped 1 yr. ago is safely back in Conn. The Syrians got him out. He had been kidnapped by the Iranians who smuggled him through Damascus drugged & in a box. He is well but was constantly hassled & threatened with death. Today was Pres. Gemayel (Lebanon) day. We had a good meeting & lunch. I think he is reassured that we are not going to abandon them. While we were meeting word came that Beirut was under rocket attacks by the Syrians. We are going to send them the latest in Radar art which can zero in on exactly where the rockets are coming from. No Camp David until tomorrow—Frank Reynolds funeral at 11 A.M. tomorrow—we’ll attend.

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