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Diary Entry - 07/17/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-17-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan travel to California to visit their ranch.

  • Michael Dukakis arrives in Atlanta to claim the Democratic nomination for president.

View the President's Schedule
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Brkfst. at 8:30 then my sneeze shot & off to Andrews at 11 A.M. But before we left I got word that 5 American soldiers were shot coming out of a café in Honduras. None dead but one seriously wounded. No word as to their—the terrorists identity. But Iran has been calling for an attack on American military.

A pleasant trip out—Dennis LeBlanc & Bob & Norma Lagomarsino (our Congressman) came with us.

Landed at Mugu—Ocean socked in with low fog. Ranch was clear & beautiful & hot. Barney, Dennis & I took off up Pa. Ave. pruning several Madrone trees. Back at the house I hung a new mirror in the guest room for Nancy, showered & dinner was on the patio. We have 3 horses laid up 2 by injury, 1 by age. Leaves 2 rideable. A quiet evening & to bed—early here but not by Wash. time.

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