Diary Entry - 07/16/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan address the Nation via airwaves, discussing the upcoming Democratic National Convention.
Rev. Jesse Jackson arrives in Atlanta for the Democratic National Convention, and announces he is seeking "shared responsibility" with nominee-apparent Michael Dukakis.
Brkfast. at 8 A.M. A morning of reading then—my radio cast which dealt with the Dems. coming convention & their distorted attacks on the economy & what we’ve accomplished. A brief meeting in the study off my office with Ken D. & A. B. Culvahouse. It had to do with top secret classified matters that Judges Walsh & Gesall wanted for the “North” trial. We determined we could not make these available because they are essential to Nat. Security.
Then upstairs—except that on the ground floor a very pretty Nancy was waiting. The W.H. brightened immediately and tomorrow we leave for Calif. An afternoon of reading & desk work—then my exercise, Dinner & I ran the tape for her of my T.V. show with Giselle MacKenzie & so to bed.