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Diary Entry - 07/15/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a Minority Groups Business briefing in the Old Executive Office Building.

  • President Reagan meets with Armando Valladares, President of the European Coalition for Human Rights in Cuba.

  • Taiwan ends thirty-seven years of martial law.

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Opened day talking about Contra Aid, the Graham, Rudman, Hollings Bill & Cong. attempts to amend it to either force a tax increase or an across the board spending cuts—that would fall most damaging on Defense.

Then Ed Meese came in asking that I appoint a Fed. Judge in St. of Wash. His name is Dwyer & Sen. Dan Evans wants him. I had wanted him named back in 85 or so but Sen. adjourned without giving approval. He’s a liberal. Ed is coming back tomorrow with recommendations for Dir. of F.B.I.

N.S.C.—Heard about a meeting on Hill with Geo. S., Cap W., Sen. Byrd & others on flagging Kuwait tankers. Sen. & others of course are opposed & want a delay. I’m unwilling. Then Arms Control & Soviets evidently wanting to reintroduce S.D.I. as a chip. [. . .]

Doing homework was interrupted by news that John P. in hearings on the Hill had flatly denied ever telling me about the extra Iran funds & their diversion to Contras. This was the bombshell I’ve been waiting for 7 months. The day is brighter.

Then met with former Tom Loeffler & Cris Arcos who are going to work on informing people & congress of the truth in Nicaragua. Over to E.O.B. & addressed a Minority Groups Business Briefing. Well recv’d. Lunch with V.P. A meeting with Geo. S.—discussed the possibility of Henry Grunwald as Ambas. to Austria. Then discussed strategy in pursuing nuc. arms agreement with Soviets.

Met with Armando Valladares—now a U.S. citizen but former prisoner in Castros pol. prison for 22 yrs. I want him to head up our U.N. Human Rts. team at International meeting. We’ve never been able to get the Latin Am. nations to vote with us against Castro. We think Armando might make the difference.

Then upstairs for rest of day.

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