Diary Entry - 07/12/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the annual "Campvention" of the National Campers and Hikers Association.
President Reagan tours the Mammoth Cave National Park and is briefed on the park's restoration/improvement Program (PRIP).
Democratic presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale announces he has chosen U.S. Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro of New York to be his running mate - the first woman to run for vice president on a major party ticket.
Off (9 A.M.) for Bowling Green Ky. to visit Mammoth Cave & address the Nat. Campers & Hikers Assn. Convention which they call a Campvention. It was a great day 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Seeing the cave for the 1st time was an experience made more enjoyable by the high morale of the Park Rangers. Our bil. $ refurbishing of the parks was needed & has done a great deal for them. Of course the press had one thing on their minds & it wasn’t a cave—it was Mondales announcement that he had chosen Mrs. Ferraro as his V.P. choice. We helicoptered from the cave to an area where more than 20,000 people had gathered. I addressed them on the environment. They were most friendly. Now I’m back at the W.H.