Diary Entry - 07/11/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a luncheon meeting with members of the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board.
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony or the 14th annual report of the CEQ for transmittal to Congress.
A steamy hot day. Met with “Pfiab” [PFIAB]—the President’s Foreign Intel. Advisory Board. Anne Armstrong chairs it and it’s really a distinguished group of people. They report we have no accurate way to determine the cost & pace of Soviet mil. build-up. I’ve asked that they study how we can measure the extent to which Soviet arms bldg. reduces the civilian standard of living. Went over to the E.O.B. & met with Lew Lehrman & Jack Humes Citizens for Am. Shook hands & was photographed with each of the 240 there. Then a luncheon meeting with our Ec. Advisory Board. Goodbye to Martin Feldstein who goes back to Harvard. Went over to Roosevelt Island in the Potomac—spoke to the Environmental Quality people & signed their report. It was really hot there. Dropped by the Situation Room for a birthday party for Bud McFarlane & John Poindexter. A meeting with John Tower on the Defense Budget. He’s doing a magnificent job. We’re going to miss him. The Demos. in the Conference are trying to reduce our $299 Bil. Sen. version by several bil’s. of $ and wrap it in some restrictive language. Our decision is to hang tough. Came upstairs early & signed off for the day.