Diary Entry - 07/12/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Sir Yue-Kong Pao, Chairman of the World Wide Shipping Group, Harbour City, Hong Kong.
President Reagan receives the diplomatic credentials from 5 new Ambassadors to the United States from the states of East Germany, Peru, Israel, the Seychelles and Luxembourg.
Lokendra Bahadur Chand becomes prime minister of Nepal.
Met with G.O.P. leadership. Geo. S. reported on Middle East & Central Am. We lobbied for our defense program as necessary to Arms Reductions. Told them we’d go for their proposal to have a commission set up on Central Am. for six months but only if Congress (who wants the commission) will give us the money for Central Am. that we’re asking for so that our allies will still be there 6 months from now. N.S.C. meeting to O.K. plan for pre-positioning mil. equipment in Israel as well as Arab countries as hedge against Soviet push. Had lunch with Gen. Sec. of O.A.S. Orfila. He says I’m only one who can bring about an alliance between all the Am. nations. Had a not too pleasant Ec. briefing & then a Cabinet meeting to hear Dave Packard report on our research labs. We have some work to do in that department. Some of them were started for a particular purpose but the purpose no longer exists. Another visitor Y.K. Pao of Hong Kong reported to be richest man in the world. He’s a nice little man—swims every morning of his life. A warm meeting with about 30 clergy on our school prayer amendment. They are all totally behind us. Congressional photo time—one visitor brought a bronze bust of me that he’d done. A nice Texas couple made me a hat. Sen. Denton brought Nat. Junior miss & her family. She had a blouse for Nancy she’d made herself. She was very nice. The poster boy for the Asthma fund came in for a photo—had Tshirts & a tie for me. Then it was Ambas. time—5 newly arrived Ambas’s from Israel, Peru, East Germany, Seychelles & Luxembourg presented their papers. A new scandal?? Some cocamania lawyer claims he had a video tape of several “govt. figures & friends of mine in a sex orgy” with the Morgan girl who was Al Bloomingdale’s mistress. She has been murdered—her livein boyfriend has confessed to the murder. The lawyer claimed he would only give the film to me. Fred Fielding on phone told him to turn it over to the D.A. Then the character said it’s been stolen. I dont think there ever was such a film but the press had a field day linking my name to the supposed orgy.