Diary Entry - 07/11/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with advisors.
The President and the First Lady attend a concert at the John F. Kennedy center for the Performing Arts.
Ambas. John Gavin came by. He’s a darn good Ambassador. Had the usual “issues lunch.” Later met with A.W. Clausen now head of the World Bank. He’d like us to increase our contribution to the bank but there’s no way we could get an increase through Cong. Foreign Minister Genscher of W. Germany came to report on Chancellor Kohl’s Moscow visit. The Chancellor really stood firm on our N.A.T.O. unity & that we were going to deploy intermediate range missiles in Europe on schedule in Dec. No question but the “Russkys” are upset about this. Kase Bendtson, Bill Wilson, Jack Hume, Joe Coors & Dr. Edward Teller came by to press me on setting up a “Manhattan” type project to have a crash program on finding a defensive weapon against nuclear missiles. I have to agree with them it’s the way to go. Then to Kennedy Center for the Marine band concert—185th anniversary of the band. It was a wonderful evening and the band (The President’s Own) is a magnificent organization.