Diary Entry - 07/11/1982

Key Facts
The President and First Lady return to the White House.
In L.A. on arrival spoke to Western region editors for Press, Radio and T.V.—Did a Q&A. Then on to the Ranch. We went back down to L.A. for 2 days in which I lunched with L.A. Times editorial board, addressed some Senior Citizens and spoke on Federalism to local officials from up & down the W. Coast. On the 2nd night in L.A. our friends did a wonderful Birthday Dinner party for Nancy (July 6). It was a warm, loving gathering. The next day back to the ranch. The weather was perfect. We rode every morning and in the afternoons Barney, Dennis & I cut brush, firewood & pruned riding trails. Out of the whole trip one day July 4th was also very special. We took Marine 1 to Edwards A.F. base for the 4th landing of the Columbia (the Shuttle). It was a thrilling and moving experience—meeting the Astronauts as they 1st stepped out of the “bird” after 7 days in orbit. Now we are back in Wash.—with mixed feelings.