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Diary Entry - 07/08/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-08-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a statement to the press and answers questions on the employment rate.

  • President Reagan hosts a private dinner with a bi-partisan Congressional group.

  • Iran's parliamentary speaker, Hashemi Rafsanjani, announces his nation will not seek revenge against the U.S. for shooting down an Iranian jetliner over the Persian Gulf.

View the President's Schedule
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Got the unemployment figures—down to 5.2 & 5.3%. A sizeable increase in the number of people working in June.

Some talk of drought. Sec. Lyng is talking of a farm program to help. Cong. may be ready to approve it. O.M.B. is still projecting deficit will be under $146 Bil. which is our target this year. Dole & some of our Repubs. have introduced a drug bill.

N.S.C.—Soviet Ambas. met with Colin about the Zeimans & other refusniks Soviets have agreed to let emigrate. He’s going to check with regard to dates of leaving.

In our summit—May 29 thru June 2nd I made (including toasts) 10 speeches. Soviets have made public 6 of them in full & excerpts of the other 4.

Soviet Chf. of mil. will come to the Oval Office before his return to Moscow.

Question still up in air about whether to label Krasnoyarsk a “Material Breach” or not.

Now Pres. of Mexico seems to be Salinas—not formal as yet.

Desk time then at 11 A.M. an N.S.P.G. meeting re the incident in the Persian gulf—mainly on whether to compensate familys of victims.

Lunch then rcv’d. winner & his wife of Indy 500 (Rick Meers). This was his 3rd win of the Indy. Top people of Penzoil were with him. I guess they are sponsors.

Desk time—then photos with 6 Sen. candidates, 1 Congressman & 1 cand. for Gov. of Indiana.

Met in dip. room & was photographed with gang of celebrities who are playing the Redskins tomorrow in a baseball game for charity. One young fellows father played football with me at Eureka.

Upstairs & then stag dinner with Dennis & 7 Sen’s. & reps. of both partys. A great evening, one story after another. We should have been doing this more often.

Rcv’d. a call after Ken D. & others left. It was Ken telling me Sat. Nights trip to Orioles ball game was off—security reasons.

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