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Diary Entry - 07/07/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-07-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan hosts a luncheon for Vice President Bush and his campaign staff.

  • President Reagan hosts a reception for GOPAC Charter Members.

View the President's Schedule
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A 10 A.M. day & the day Nancy leaves for N.Y. for about 10 days. Started the day talking about Wash. Post poll showing great support for the Navy, et al in the gulf tragedy. Also speculated on possible replacements for Ed Meese. Some whose names have been mentioned took themselves out of the running—Bill Smith, Paul Laxalt, Libby Dole. An energy & water bill (appropriation) coming down to me. It’s supposed to be alright & eligible for a signing ceremony—but we dont have final word yet. Sen. passed the plant closing bill 72 to 23. It will go to the House next week.

N.S.C.—Chf. of Staff—Soviet mil. forces on visit to U.S. visiting a number of mil. bases.

Soviets are talking of withdrawing 68,000 Soviet mil. from Hungary.

Pres. Delvalle of Panama has come out of hiding for his mothers funeral.

Desk time til a photo with Connie Heckman. Then our lunch meeting with V.P. & his campaign people. On our team Ken D. Stu Spencer, Paul Lax alt and a few others. A good meeting—we’re going to work together on campaign.

Then desk time & a photo signing binge until 4 P.M. when Bob Tuttle came in for O.K. on some appointments.

The Salvation Army officers came in to award me their “Others Award.”

Then a drop by at farewell reception for Tom Driscoll [Griscom]. And over to East Room to speak to “Gopac” group. Up to exercise & dinner with Merme & Dennis.

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