Diary Entry - 07/03/1987

Key Facts
The President and First Lady attend the Independence Day "Star Spangled Salute to America" hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The President and First Lady watch the movie "Swingtime."
At 9:45 A.M. over to Jefferson Memorial for speech to several thousand people. Main purpose of speech is to launch our “Ec. Bill of Rights” program which is going to be our main theme for rest of my term. It includes Const. amendment to wipe out deficit spending, right for Pres. to line item veto, Cong. required to reveal cost & ec. effect of any new programs proposed etc.
Well speech made, we’re back at the W.H. & changed into clothes for Camp D. I dont ever remember being hotter than I was on that platform in the sun. I dont know how those people (5,000 of them) standing there could take it.
Now it’s off to Camp D.—Lunch at Camp & then a horseback ride for me & later a swim for both of us. Commander presented us with a plaque signed by all the men & officers commemorating the 1st visit to Camp D. by a Pres. 45 yrs. ago. Date was July 5.