Diary Entry - 07/03/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a ceremony in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the "Duck Stamp."
President Reagan hosts a working luncheon with environmental and conservation leaders.
The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Jaycees may be forced to admit women as members.
These are easy days, what with Congress out of town. After staff time a ceremony in the Rose Garden signing the proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of “Duck Stamps.” This was an idea 50 yrs. ago of Ding Darling an environmentalist but also a great editorial cartoonist. I was presented with an original Ding Darling cartoon which was the 1st Duck Stamp. Most of our wetland, wildlife refugees were pd for by sale of Duck Stamps. Lunch in the Roosevelt Rm. with leaders of several prominent environmental org’s. They are up in arms over my appointment of Ann Burford to chair the Advisory Committee to Sec. of Commerce on, “Oceans & Air.” They had to admit our environmental record is great but want me to cancel Ann because their people will take it as a symbol that we are anti-environment. I stayed cool. But I told them Ann had done nothing wrong—she had been railroaded & I owed her something like this to restore her. They were deaf to my suggestion that if they used their publications to tell how good our record is (which they admit) there wont be a fuss over Ann. I spoke to ears that wouldn’t hear. They were arrogant & unreasonable. That was it for the day—I’ll get back to cleaning out my desk.