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Diary Entry - 07/02/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 07-02-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with members of the Army Herald Trumpeters on their 25th anniversary.

  • President Reagan receives a signed baseball of all the Cracker Jack Old Timer Baseball Classic players.

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Began the day 9 A.M. in the Rose Garden to “Hail To The Chief.” The Army trumpeters are celebrating their 25th anniversary. They’ve also written a “tribute” to “A New Beginning”—my line in my inaugural address. We had the usual staff times but this one attended by Geo. Shultz—our 1st chance to compare notes about Anatoly. We’re telling the Soviets we’ll be in Vienna in Sept. waiting for them—our terms. Later in the morning about 8 “old timer” ball players stopped by. They are playing at Red Skin stadium tonite—the “Old Timers” game between the Am. & Nat. leagues. This afternoon I taped 6 interviews with anchor persons on 6 T.V. stations in Fla. & Texas. They’ll be played later this week when I’m in their towns. About 4 of them talked only about the Simpson-Mazolli immigration bill. I hoped I calmed their fears. Walter A. sent me a copy of an article in a Nat. Catholic paper by a retired N.Y. Times Obituary writer. He takes off on me as a reincarnation of Hitler. If I am he should be 1st into the gas chamber.

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