Diary Entry - 07/01/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with members of his staff and Senator Strom Thurmond (R-South Carolina) to discuss the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.
President Reagan participates in a briefing with the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations (U.N.) International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Started day with Howard suggesting that on way back to Wash. from ranch in Sept. we stop in Kansas & see Alf Landon—100 yr’s. old. I had proposed we send A.F.1 for him & bring him to Wash. but his health wouldn’t permit. We have a problem with Geo. Allen—Chf. of our Physical Fitness Commission. He is also chairman of a Foundation & there is a conflict. Howard is going to tell him to choose 1 or the other. Then we settled on fact that I would name Bob Bork to Supreme Ct. today.
N.S.C.—I’ve signed a directive on recommendation of Tower Committee. Geo. S. has a problem with it but I think it can be straightened out. Les Aspin is taking some Congressmen on a junket to the Persian Gulf. Everyone’s a diplomat.
At 11:30 met with Strom T. who feels very strongly about a Judge Wilkins for Supreme Ct. I couldn’t reveal a decision had been made but called him later before announcement—not an easy call to make.
At 11:45 I went over to E.O.B. & received report of our U.S. delegation to U.N. International Conf. on Drug Control. They’ve done a good job. Lunch & then a meeting with Geo. S. He’s going to Detroit & then to Canada. It’s our annual event. He meets with his Canadian counterpart—1 day in U.S. & 1 day in Canada.
Then up to the “Treaty room” in the residence for a new photo with the Cabinet. Following that we all went down to the Cabinet room for a photo for Life Mag. Following that Bob Bork came in & we went to the press room & announced his appointment.
Some odds & ends & paperwork—then upstairs.