Diary Entry - 06/28/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a meeting with leading Republican Congressional Members.
President Reagan receives the Report of White House Conference for a Drug Free America.
The U.S. federal government sues the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in hope to force reforms on the nation's largest labor union.
Another 10 A.M. day. Staff meeting—we talked about pending bills & whether I’d sign or veto.
Then I approved Bea Oglesby to be Ken’s deputy as of Thurs. I also upgraded John Tuck.
N.S.C.—I brought up matter of Holocaust museum. It seems someone has approved a room dedicated to 1915 massacre of some Armenians by the Turks. I’m against it but dont know what we can do. Latest intelligence has 10 more divisions on the border in N. Korea than we had estimated. They’re playing games that may threaten the Olympics in S. Korea. We have the Soviets pledge they wont let anything like that happen.
[. . .] a bomb plot in Panama City—an apartment bldg. housing about 40 of our mil. officers. They’ve been moved out & on to the base.
Met with our Sen. & Cong. leadership—Dole & Simpson, Bob Michel & Trent Lott. A discussion of pending bills & the pol. games the Dems. are playing trying to get campaign issues. Then a meeting with Meese & Carlucci regarding the investigation of the Pentagon. Nothing much yet to report.
Lunch outdoors then an interview with my biographer Edmund Morris. Then a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Rabin. A trip to the dentist—only cleaning this time.
Rcvd. Lois Herringtons report of “Conf. For a Drug Free Am.” It’s great & she said was a fabulous experience.
Then over to the East Room—photos with 120 of our Repub. Candidates for Cong. & about a 15 min. Q&A with them & their spouses.
Then upstairs for the evening after a stop in Dr. Huttons office for my sneeze shot & a little doctoring of my hearing aid.