Diary Entry - 06/27/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Illinois Senator Alan Dixon to discuss an amnesty for delinquent taxpayers.
President Reagan meets with state and local officials to discuss tax reform.
The U.S. House of Representatives votes to limit the use of combat troops in Nicaragua.
One hostage home & lots of Berri talk about the rest going to the French embassy in Beirut or Damascus. No further word. Berri has said he has no control or influence on the 7 kidnap victims. Quadafi is talking to Iran & Syria about a joint terrorist war against us.
Over to E.O.B.—brief talk to assembled state legislators, mayors etc. on tax reform. I left & our people carried on Q&A with them.
Sen. Alan Dixon (Ill.) came in. He has a bill to grant a one time amnesty for tax delinquents to come in voluntarily, pay up their tax & 1⁄2 the interest—be forgiven any penaltys etc. Ill. did it & collected $150,000,000. Estimates are that would be $15 bil. or more at the Fed. level. The I.R.S. is opposed but I’m inclined to think it’s a good idea.
Readers Digest came in with a leather bound issue which carrys my article on voluntarism. Then Richard Petty winner of 200 stock car races came with his family & a replica of his race car which is now in the Smithsonian. He’s a big supporter. I hung a medal on Commander of Camp David who’s being re-assigned to Navy duty. Sorry to see him go. Camp David is much improved over what it was 2 yrs. ago.