Diary Entry - 06/26/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting regarding the potential release of hostages to an embassy in Syria or Beirut.
President Reagan addresses the 141 finalists in the competition to choose the first American teacher in space.
Dropped in on Brkfst. downstairs for House Ways & Means Comm. Repubs. Another pitch for tax reform—a few had a sticking point re non-deduction of local & state taxes. We gave them some hard to rebut figures. I think we made some points. Then N.S.C. & newest hostage development. A light at the end of the tunnel. Berri (Assads doing) has offered to let the hostages move to a Western Co. Embassy in Beirut or Syria—supposedly to remain until Israel frees the Shiites it’s holding. We prefer Syria & I have no intention of letting them be held there. The Israelis are already planning to begin returning their prisoners. We want no linkage between what they’re doing & the release of the hostages. Berri released one today because of a heart condition. We are really optimistic. I’ve just learned that Berri owns a couple of mkts. & some oil stations here in the U.S. We might consider that a pressure point. A meeting in the P.M. with Repub. members of committees (Sen.) who confirm our appointees. We’ve had trouble with some of them going over to the Dem. side & mis-treating our candidates. I put in a pitch for sticking together & showing that Repubs. have the capability of governing.
In East room a pleasant gathering—141 finalists in the competition to choose the Am. Teacher who would be 1st teacher to go into space in the shuttle come January. Back to my desk for a load of mail & then home. Maureen is here but leaving tomorrow. Nancy is in L.A. after a visit with her mother in Phoenix. As usual this place feels empty as h--l.