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Diary Entry - 06/25/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 06-25-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets Edward Rowney, Special Rep. U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Negotiations.

  • President Reagan announces the resignation of Secretary Haig and the nomination of George Shultz as Secretary of State.

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Today was the day—I told Al H. I had decided to accept his resignation. He didn’t seem surprised but he said his differences were on policy and then said we didn’t agree on China or Russia etc. I made a simple announcement to the press and said I was nominating George Shultz for the job. I’d called him & like the patriot he is he said “yes.” This has been a heavy load. Up to Camp David where we were in time to see Al read his letter of resignation on T.V. I’m told it was his 4th re-write. Apparently his 1st was pretty strong—then he thought better of it. I must say it was O.K. He gave only one reason & did say there was a disagreement on foreign policy. Actually the only disagreement was over whether I made policy or the Sec. of State did.

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