Diary Entry - 06/24/1982

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in a signing ceremony for Executive Order 12368, Drug Abuse Policy Functions.
President and Mrs. Reagan host a reception for the California Republican Congressional Delegations.
The US. Supreme Court rules 5-4 that no president can be sued for damages connected with actions taken while serving as the nation's chief executive.
Met with Al H. this A.M. He & Bill C. had met for 2 hours last night. I was prepared for Al to resign. He was ready but then said it was over policy. Bill had the impression he really wanted to leave but he launched into an attack on staff at W.H. some Cabinet & said he couldn’t function. He had a bill of particulars—so I have it to read & told him I’d talk to him later after I had. Met with task force on drugs. I think we can get a handle on this problem with the group now working on it. This evening the 4th reception in 3 days. I’m ready for Camp David.