Diary Entry - 06/22/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with members of the Presidential Commission on the Conduct of U.S. - Japan Relations.
President Reagan addresses the National Conference of the National Federation of Independent business.
Finally got everything cleared away as to Dick Stones trip to Central Am. Last night got a call that 3 Am. Press men had been killed on the border of Honduras. By morning we knew it was only 2—3rd man was an Honduran driver. They were killed by a rifle grenade fired across the border by Nicaraguan soldiers. The bodies couldn’t be recovered til night fall because the Sandinista forces kept shelling the area. They cant lay it to a mistake—the vehicle was painted white. Met with our new commission to better Japan-U.S.A. relations. A distinguished group of Japanese & Am. leaders chaired by Dave Packard. Off to the Hilton to address the Nat. Independent Bus. Assn.—3rd year in a row at their nat. meeting. Well received & evidenced their support for our bud. & tax policies. Back to the W.H. & spend afternoon in my study catching up on mail. The Dems. are trying to pick up a scandal saying some one gave us or we stole their scenario for the Jimmy Carter campaign debate which I won. Evidently some one was given some thing that was merely a compilation of what they thought were achievements. I’d never heard of it until it broke in the press yesterday. It certainly was no strategic plan of any kind & I’ve never seen it.