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Diary Entry - 06/17/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets the Provisional President of the Republic of El Salvador Alvaro Alfredo agana Borja.

  • President Reagan meets with representatives of the Knights of Columbus.

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President Magana arrived—a good man. When we went out for the photo op in the Rose Garden Sam D. [Donaldson] (who else) started yelling a question at me—each time I said “Photo opportunity.” I’d explained before hand to the Pres. that we had a rule against Q’s. at a photo opp. Sam then yelled a Q. at Pres. M. The Pres. said—“Photo opportunity.” That finished Sam. We had good meetings. Selwa Roosevelt brought her family in for a photo. Archie gave me a small bronze that once belonged to Teddy R. I went over to the E.O.B. to speak to the board of the Knights of Columbus. We took a round about way to get there—seems one of the sniffer dogs showed some excitement about a parked car along the usual route. Did some tapings & we were off to Camp David—where again we spent a rainy weekend. Oh! Forgot on S. Lawn addressed the Presidential Scholars & families. One—a girl came to the office 1st to present a nuclear freeze petition she’d gotten 14 others to sign. She really had a closed mind.

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