Diary Entry - 06/17/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan greets the Provisional President of the Republic of El Salvador Alvaro Alfredo agana Borja.
President Reagan meets with representatives of the Knights of Columbus.
President Magana arrived—a good man. When we went out for the photo op in the Rose Garden Sam D. [Donaldson] (who else) started yelling a question at me—each time I said “Photo opportunity.” I’d explained before hand to the Pres. that we had a rule against Q’s. at a photo opp. Sam then yelled a Q. at Pres. M. The Pres. said—“Photo opportunity.” That finished Sam. We had good meetings. Selwa Roosevelt brought her family in for a photo. Archie gave me a small bronze that once belonged to Teddy R. I went over to the E.O.B. to speak to the board of the Knights of Columbus. We took a round about way to get there—seems one of the sniffer dogs showed some excitement about a parked car along the usual route. Did some tapings & we were off to Camp David—where again we spent a rainy weekend. Oh! Forgot on S. Lawn addressed the Presidential Scholars & families. One—a girl came to the office 1st to present a nuclear freeze petition she’d gotten 14 others to sign. She really had a closed mind.