Diary Entry - 06/02/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan appoints Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss Iran's deployment of Silkworm missiles.
A brief staff meeting—a little talk about AIDS & the hecklers who booed the V.P. & me. The police who arrested the Gay demonstrators in front of the W.H. wore yellow rubber gloves.
N.S.C.—Ed Meese came in for a few minutes to report on the Ministers meeting in Europe regarding terrorism. He was very upbeat & found a lot of unanimity among the Ec. summit co’s. Our need at the summit is for all of us to loudly re-affirm the decision on terrorism we agreed to last year in Tokyo. We discussed the problem of how to handle Irans missiles—the “SilkWorms.” If they move them on line do we shoot or wait & fire back? Problem is if we wait til they fire we may lose a lot of lives—there isn’t much chance of intercepting a SilkWorm. I think we have to do what we’ve decided about hostile aircraft. If they deploy their SilkWorms we have to assume they have hostile intent & defend ourselves.
At 10 A.M. Sec. Baker, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan & I went into the press room. I announced Pauls resignation & Alans appointment then left them to take Q’s. A little later took a pose in the Oval O. for Time mag. photos. Then lunch & a phone call from Kohl on his decision to support our Zero-Zero proposal on I.N.F. Had a brief stop at the Dr’s. office. I have a severe pain in the mastoid region behind right ear. Both Nancy & I got a lot of bites at Camp D. on top of our heads—gnats. It seems one of mine got infected. The worst however is past. Upstairs to pack—tomorrow we’re off to Venice.