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Diary Entry - 05/29/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-29-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss the situation in the Persian Gulf.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

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Staff time turned over to N.S.C. A full agenda. Persian Gulf—we’re submitting a report to Congress but in meantime will continue to defend ourselves & the gulf. I think some of Dems. agree with this although others are making a fuss. Cap W. is going to rebut press stories that we’ve decided to delay escorting Kuwait vessels. We’re going ahead as soon as they have raised the Am. flag.

Frank C. had called me last night to say it looks like Kohl is going to join us on the S.R.I.N.F. idea. I’m to expect a call from him Monday morning at 9 A.M. Then at 9:30 (today) we went to the N.S.P.G. meeting in the Situation room. This was all about Gulf. Navy briefed us on plans etc. We’re all agreed on what we must be prepared to do. Then my meeting with Geo. S. Wont be seeing him now until Venice. Our talk was about the disarmament talks & things are looking better.

A lunch—the Bob Strauss’s, Howard Nancy & our guests Sen. Byrd & Mrs. Byrd—celebrating their 50th Wedding anniversary. We had the lunch in the study off my office.

My lawyers meeting again re the continuing Iran-Contra hearings. An interview with Edmund Morris—on the biography. I also did a Persian Gulf statement to the press. Into ranch clothes & off to Camp David. On way had photo with 13 yr. old girl who won the Nat. Spelling contest. Some 700 of the contestants were on hand to see us off as were some 22 wives of all our helicopter pilots.

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