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Diary Entry - 05/28/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-28-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes an Address to the Nation on Tax Reform.

  • David Jacobsen, director of the American University Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, is abducted by pro-Iranian kidnappers.

View the President's Schedule
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Forgot to say that yesterday in Orlando we saw & were photographed with 2 families who’d made the request. One has a little 4 yr. old girl who is terminal (Cancer) & one who is 12. This 12 yr. old was the most charming sweetest little girl. She told me she prayed for me every day. She hugged Nancy & thanked her for what she’s doing about drugs. Now I’ll get on about today.

We’ve had another kidnapping in Beirut. This time an admin. officer of the American U. These d--n barbarians. We’re waiting to see if they’ll sound off about it the way they usually do so we’ll know who we’re dealing with. A Cab. meeting for complete brief on tax reform. Later I spoke to about 100 or so of our Senior Admin. appointees. Then it was T.V. time—my speech on our tax reform proposal. Everything went well & the phone calls as of 9:30 P.M. are 96% favorable.

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