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The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & InstituteThe Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute Logo

Diary Entry - 05/27/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-27-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.

  • President Reagan attends a Memorial Day parade at Disney World in Orlando, FL.

View the President's Schedule
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A holiday for some. For us it was Arlington Cemetery for the laying of a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Then A.F.1 to Orlando Fla. & Disney World. Private individuals & businesses had contributed to bring 20 of the bands that didn’t get to march in the inaugural parade last Jan. because of the cold, to Fla. to parade for us on this Memorial day. It was great & a real patriotic event. Some 40,000 people were there for the parade, fireworks & airplane flyover. I made a brief speech and then we went on to Miami for a fundraiser for Sen. Paula Hawkins. It was a reception & early dinner. She raised almost a mil. $. I spoke briefly at the reception for the top donors & then before the dinner to the entire group. Then we boarded A.F.1 and had our dinner on the plane.

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