Diary Entry - 05/24/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan presents the National Medal of Science to 11 distinguished scientists and engineers.
President Reagan's MX Missile program funding bill wins a vote in the House of Representatives, 239 to 186.
The US. supreme Court rules 8-1 that the Internal Revenue Service can legally deny tax exemptions to racially biased public schools.
Our newest appointees came to the W.H. I met with them at 9:45 A.M. Met with Sen. Gordon Humphrey re the MX. He’s stubborn & I dont think I moved him. He’s stuck on the idea it is vulnerable & wont listen to any arguments. Met then with 4 Sens. Jackson, Tower, Nunn & Warner on the “Confidence building Measures” with the Soviet U. to lessen chances of accidental war or crises. Went to the East Rm. & participated in giving 12 science awards. Lunched with Henry K. & Bill C. Henry gave me some food for thought re the Soviets. We’ve been trying to loosen them with some little deeds. We’ve told them we need deeds not words to see if they really want a good relationship. He thinks we should put down a marker on something big—like blockading Nicaragua. Had briefing on summit—I’ll be in charge & frankly I’m a little edgy. Made some calls on MX—the vote comes this afternoon. Cabinet meeting on women’s affairs & things we can do to eliminate or reduce discrimination. Photo with N.Y. Islanders—4 times winners of Stanley Cup. They gave me an eskimo handmade rug & hockey stick. Met with an 84 year old Japanese philanthropist who has given more than $7 bil. to charity. We won the vote on MX in the house at about 5 P.M. or so. It was 239 to 186—53 vote margin. We got 90 Dems. & only lost about 16 Repubs.