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Diary Entry - 05/23/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-23-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a luncheon at the U.S. Naval Observatory in honor of the "Best of Class of 1983".

  • President Reagan meets with a group of handicapped Girl Scouts.

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Met with Shultz re our moves with the Soviets. I thought we’ve come to a point where we should include Bill Casey & Cap W. in some of our decisions Dropped in on meeting with State & Municipal League representatives—St. Dining Room. Went to V.P.’s house for an outdoor lunch with almost 300 kids—High School Seniors who are valedictorians or other top students in the classes of ’83 from areas all around the district of Columbia. Gen. Motors & 50 T.V. stations were all sponsoring 50 such gatherings. It was a heartening get together. They are fine young people. In the Rose garden I gave 8 awards—the Presidential E of E star awards to businesses for their promotion of exports. It was hot. From El Cajon Calif., 8 girl scouts all physically or mentally handicapped came after 2 yrs. of raising money to make the trip. Six are in wheel chairs. They were wonderful. They have as a self imposed program the going to homes for the elderly as visitors etc. Did a string of photos—Strom T. brought a young sculptor in who presented me with his bronze of a bald eagle. Then 11 5th graders from Indiana came in—all boys 10 black 1 white. They are the national elementary school chess champions. Gov. Bob Orr & Sen. Dick Luger brought them in. Did a mock bill signing for Beverly Byron—her bill on the Nat. trails system. Jesse Helms brought local officials of Rocky Mount N.C. who have built with private help a new City Hall. Wm. Lipinski & wife Rose came by—Dems. from Chi. but supporters of mine since 1st time I ran for Gov. Tonite had 60 Cong. D’s. & R’s. to dinner—purpose their support for MX. I think we did some good.

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