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Diary Entry - 05/21/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-21-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to New Jersey to speak at the commencement ceremony at Seton Hall University.

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Off early to Seton Hall U. in N.J. to speak at commencement. We left Wash. in a downpour. Fortunately in N.J. it was just a grey foggy day. The ceremony was out on the Athletic field—1900 graduates & many thousands more in attendance. I was on edge because I didn’t think my prepared remarks were very impressive. I’ve never been able to or wanted to use a graduation ceremony as a forum to get off some speech I wanted to make on an issue important to me. I think the graduates should have a speech directed toward their accomplishment & their day. Well with the help of some ad-libbing it turned out fine. Mr. Nardina (A.B.C.), Pearl Bailey & I all received honorary degrees. Flew back to Andrews A.F. base—Nancy met me & we took Marine 1 to Camp David. A downpour but it was good to sit in front of a fire & get some homework done.

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