Diary Entry - 05/21/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to New Jersey to speak at the commencement ceremony at Seton Hall University.
Off early to Seton Hall U. in N.J. to speak at commencement. We left Wash. in a downpour. Fortunately in N.J. it was just a grey foggy day. The ceremony was out on the Athletic field—1900 graduates & many thousands more in attendance. I was on edge because I didn’t think my prepared remarks were very impressive. I’ve never been able to or wanted to use a graduation ceremony as a forum to get off some speech I wanted to make on an issue important to me. I think the graduates should have a speech directed toward their accomplishment & their day. Well with the help of some ad-libbing it turned out fine. Mr. Nardina (A.B.C.), Pearl Bailey & I all received honorary degrees. Flew back to Andrews A.F. base—Nancy met me & we took Marine 1 to Camp David. A downpour but it was good to sit in front of a fire & get some homework done.